Saturday, April 26, 2008

you only live once...

I don't normally consider myself to be a thrill-seeker but, of late, I've certainly been doing things the Roxanne of a year ago would probably baulk at... and I've enjoyed it.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I took a motorcycle ride through a small town in southern Viet Nam... which might not be anything big to some, was huge for me. And then, while Mommy and Erin were visiting, I convinced Erin to do the G-Max Reverse Bungy with me... and it was incredible!

The entire experience lasted about 3 minutes but of course it felt like much longer as we were being flung through the air, flipped upside down, and generally screaming like there was no tomorrow. As added proof, I bought the dvd of the experience but I'm not about to post the entire video online for the world to see. Depending how I'm feeling next time you see me, maybe I'll share but until then, here are a few screen shots to tide you over. :)

Getting strapped in and with no idea what we're really in for...

Slowly being lifted to the starting position, still not really sure what we're in for...

What I'm thinking at this moment:
"Shit! I'm slipping out of my chair... please tell me these straps are secure!"
What Erin's thinking at this moment:
"I'm gonna kill Roxie for suggesting this!!"
What skinny boy in the middle is thinking at this moment:
"This is freakin' awesome!!! So glad these crazy girls decided to do this since they wouldn't let me go up by myself."

And now we're upside down... awesome...

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